Chicken.GG is a new gambling platform focused on CS2 case opening and battles, offering classic bonuses like rakeback, rain, and level-up cases. The platform supports deposits via skins (using a partner service), popular cryptocurrencies, and bank transfers. Currently, withdrawals are only available in cryptocurrencies.
Chicken.GG is a legitimate and reliable platform that complies with all applicable laws and regulations. The site ensures a high level of security and fairness using the Provably Fair system, making it attractive to users. However, the platform lags slightly behind competitors in terms of originality, offering only three game modes including roulette, cases, and case battles.
The platform features a simple and intuitive interface, contributing to ease of use. Despite the standard set of features, Chicken.GG plans to introduce new functionalities, such as a marketplace and the option to withdraw in the form of CS2 skins, which could be an important step in attracting new users.
Overall, Chicken.GG is a decent choice for players who value prompt support, security, and legal reliability over originality in gaming experience. The platform has potential for growth and improvement, and upcoming updates may make it more competitive in the CS2 skin gambling market.